July 1, 2008

1st Post:

The title of my blog might be a little confusing but it's meant to be an homage to the late George Carlin.

He once asked, "Are we so much better than chickens...?", "...you don't see chickens in drug-gangs...when's the last chicken you heard about came home from work and beat the shit outta his hen?"

That was the brilliance of Carlin. He could say something completely outlandish/offensive and then, through his amazing analytical skills, justify what he just said while revealing social truths about ourselves and end it all with a joke. Brilliant.

George Carlin is the inspiration for most of the people who inspire me today. He was fighting for free speech before most people knew it was something you needed to fight for. Dedicating this blog to his memory was my way of saying "Thank you" to a true American hero.

(Chickens...starts about 4 minutes in.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Carlin certainly spoke his mind. Agree with him or not, he kept free speech on the forefront.

How did he know so much about chicken psychology?