September 11, 2009

Eight years after, "What now?"

I wasn't sure what to post today.

Anyone who was alive eight years ago can still see those images whenever some one says "9/11." To me, posting a video/pic would just ad to the ad nauseam that surrounds the over exposure of that day.

Instead, I'm going to post one of the positive memories I have surrounding that awful/akward few weeks that followed 9/11/01.

Nine days after the attacks, Jon Stewart and The Daily Show came back on the air. Stewart was visibly shaky and didn't seem sure how to get the show back on course.

Peppered with his self-depreciating humor, Stewart's opening eight minutes were some of the most honest and touching moments of any TV personality I've ever seen.

This was the beginning of my adoration of TDS. Take the time to watch.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
September 11, 2001
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1 comment:

andrew said...

eight years later, we have country that despite a backwards few is recovering and making itself better. plus a an obese jon stewart.. and you just cant beat that.