Crowell Advertising, out of Salt Lake City, has come up with yet another advertising award. BUT this isn't another chance for advertisers to pat themselves on the bat.
This award is called "The Tracy's-Crap Advert Award."
They had me at "Crap."
Nicely done Crowell. Nicely done.
Their press release starts with:
Ever see advertising that's so horrendous, you wish you could somehow get back at whoever made it by burning down their house and nominating them for an award of some sort for bad advertising?
Nicely done Crowell. Nicely done.
Users are asked to submit crap advertisement to their website, here, and vote on the crappiest of them all. (You can submit up until mid-October.)
On the homepage now is that delight of an ad for HeadOn! pain reliever, Vermont Teddy Bears, and no joke, an AIDS awareness ad that has Hitler having sex with a naked woman with the tag: "AIDS is a mass murderer."
On the homepage now is that delight of an ad for HeadOn! pain reliever, Vermont Teddy Bears, and no joke, an AIDS awareness ad that has Hitler having sex with a naked woman with the tag: "AIDS is a mass murderer."
Seriously. Someone gave that a green light.
So HeadOn! (gotta love bad jokes) over to the "Cream of the Crap" page and click away. If you're as sensitive to ads as I am you'll really appreciate this site.
Crowell have branched out to make some really cool greeting cards you can buy that aren't "your average grocery greeting cards." Funny stuff.
I haven't watched a lot of American television, but even without considering the monstrosities that are up on that Tracy's Crap award site, it strikes me that American marketing people have run out of creativity. Seriously! Either that, or they have a really weird sense of humour.
I don't know if you'll get a chance to check any out, but a lot of ads on Indian television over recent years have been way better. I'll see if I can find some English language ads.
Advertising definitely needs new blood. So many ads are boring and unfunny. Mimi said last night that some ads are so bad she makes it a point Not to buy that product. If I make eye contact with another caveman I will puke. Save us Peter.
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